Our commercial

Selected by us on the basis of relevance and trustworthiness, our commercial partners offer services and products which aim to be fun, fulfilling - or both.

Some text about partners will go here, talk about the benefits to happiplans users

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  • Privacy is everything

    Being totally open with yourself is hard but, with privacy, possible. Sometimes, those we have learned to trust, can help. Without reliable privacy, it’s just impossible: all of us raise our guard! This is why we have moved away from the main social media platforms and why we define and protect the privacy of Happiplans customers, so jealously.

  • Our lives are for us, not a show for others

    Making and consuming mainstream social media posts turns us all into actors. We put on a show, hoping the audience will love us. It seems to us that this pushes everyone to be anything but authentic and to make decisions based not on what is best for us, but for the audience.